Episode 60: Care For The Healer with Dr. Casara Andre

If you’re an animal lover like me, you will be elated to hear the conversation I have today with Dr. Casara Andre. She is not just a veterinarian extraordinaire, but a leader in her mission to create a safe haven for men and women in the medical community. She works tirelessly in various non-profit organizations to provide assistance with all healers, humans and animals alike.    

During this conversation, Dr. Casara shines a glowing light on the beauty of the human-animal bond: what it means for human health and wellbeing AND animal health and wellbeing. We will explore this amazing bond today. As a dog mom myself, I know it is a gift worth defending and nurturing!

You can find more information about the amazing work of Dr. Casara by visiting her website and by visiting her LinkedIn page Care for the Healer. Get ready for a healing today!


✨Go to for SHOW NOTES, TRANSCRIPT, and a link to this YOUTUBE episode.✨


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