"Oh I loved watching you express something you were born to do! It was evident this comes from a heart-centered delightful place."
Lisa Sharpe
Participant, Eating to Heal Menopause
"Michelle is like a human safety blanket, she makes everything better. We cannot rave enough about her!"
Lupe Hirt
Co-Founder, SecondAct Women
AARP Series: Eating for More Energy
Breakfast for Dinner!
"... the recipes look delish and I love the handout!" - C.R.
"Thank you for introducing me to promising new supplements!" - B.A.
"Charismatic, fun, and informative!" - A. J.
Cauli Ginger Salmon + Magical Kale Salad
"Thanks so much, plating now!" - Y.H.
"So fun and yummy!" - J.M.
"Your kale salad is outstanding!" - L.W.
"That was wonderful, you are so much fun to cook with!" - T.R.
Crispy Gluten Free Orange Sesame Chicken over Cauli Rice
"You made cauliflower look fun and appetizing!" - W.R.
"... We cook often but learned a lot this evening - thanks!" - K.K.
"Thanks for the great tips about glass jars + vegetables!" - A.P.
"My pallet is rejecting high sugar and sodium foods, yay!"
- Lea Porter
"Today my skin looks brighter, and my pants are looser!"
- Mindee Oliver Saulsby
"Salmon and broccolini tonight. No juice, no dessert. I can feel the sexy coming back!"
- Michael Johnson
"I've noticed my waistline has shrunk and my energy is a lot better. Loving it!!
- Josh Andree
"I was familiar with so many of the concepts but thought they were initially too restrictive. Your lessons broke it down in a way that made adoption easier."
- Jay Mangrum-Thomas
"Michelle specializes in nutrition, is realistic in her approach, had me analyzing my eating habits and discovering ways to reach my goals."
- Melissa Wright