Welcome to our dedicated space of kind words by community leaders, course participants, and our online family!

Love notes for Michelle Fox, Culinary Nutritionist.

"Thank YOU for all you do!

You are a bright light in this world."


Meghan Telpner, Founder of Academy of Culinary Nutrition & Bestselling Author

Lisa Sharpe testimonial for Michelle Fox.

"Oh I loved watching you express something you were born to do! It was evident this comes from a heart-centered delightful place."

Lisa Sharpe

Participant, Eating to Heal Menopause

Guadalupe Hirt testimonial for Michelle Fox.

"Michelle is like a human safety blanket, she makes everything better. We cannot rave enough about her!"

Lupe Hirt

Co-Founder, SecondAct Women

"I just love your energy! You would be the person who would make me want to enjoy celery sticks. The world needs what you have and busy professionals need you."


Jasmine Star, Business Strategist

Michelle Fox chopping produce in her kitchen.

AARP Series: Eating for More Energy


Breakfast for Dinner!

"... the recipes look delish and I love the handout!" - C.R.

"Thank you for introducing me to promising new supplements!" - B.A.

"Charismatic, fun, and informative!" - A. J.

Cauli Ginger Salmon + Magical Kale Salad

"Thanks so much, plating now!" - Y.H.

"So fun and yummy!" - J.M.

"Your kale salad is outstanding!" - L.W.

"That was wonderful, you are so much fun to cook with!" - T.R.

Ginger salmon prepared by Michelle Fox.
Michelle Fox holding a head of cauliflower in front of her kitchen counter.

Crispy Gluten Free Orange Sesame Chicken over Cauli Rice

"You made cauliflower look fun and appetizing!" - W.R.

"... We cook often but learned a lot this evening - thanks!" - K.K.

"Thanks for the great tips about glass jars + vegetables!" - A.P.

Lea Porter testimonial for Michelle Fox.

"My pallet is rejecting high sugar and sodium foods, yay!"

- Lea Porter

Mindee Oliver Saulsby testimonial for Michelle Fox.

"Today my skin looks brighter, and my pants are looser!"

- Mindee Oliver Saulsby

Michael Johnson testimonial for Michelle Fox.

"Salmon and broccolini tonight. No juice, no dessert. I can feel the sexy coming back!"

- Michael Johnson

Josh Andree testimonial for Michelle Fox.

"I've noticed my waistline has shrunk and my energy is a lot better. Loving it!!

- Josh Andree

Jay Mangrum-Thomas testimonial for Michelle Fox.

"I was familiar with so many of the concepts but thought they were initially too restrictive. Your lessons broke it down in a way that made adoption easier."

- Jay Mangrum-Thomas

Melissa Wright testimonial for Michelle Fox.

"Michelle specializes in nutrition, is realistic in her approach, had me analyzing my eating habits and discovering ways to reach my goals."

- Melissa Wright

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