
Nov 28, 2017
Photo of Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders in a V-shaped line up.

Last week 10-year-old Angel asked me what I wanted to be as a grown-up when I was her age. She followed up by saying, “Because nobody grows up wanting to be an Executive Assistant. That just sounds weird.”  Gulp! 


My heart sank a little bit as I ultimately agreed with her. I like what I do, but it is my dream job. 


The answer I gave her (which is entirely true) is that I always wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. My parents gave me a signed calendar when I was a child, and I was hooked. I thought the women were so beautiful and they always looked happy. 


Most of my childhood was spent chasing that dream. I took endless ballet classes, signed up for anything related to dance, became a Varsity cheerleader on my first tryout, and ultimately transitioned to Captain of my high school team.


“Oh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader.

She is always right there when I need her.” ~ Omi, Jamaican singer


The conversation with my daughter has continued to run through my mind. My State of Slim coach is also currently asking me what I want to bring forth in my life. 


My answer was “More of what I have now.”  I see myself as an everyday cheerleader.  I give words of affirmation to my partner daily. I’m rooting for my children’s success - always. My friends come to me for support and encouragement. Belonging to the support team at EKS&H brings me pride.  Encouraging fellow State of Slim participants gives me a sense of community. I hope that writing this blog inspires others. I am as much a cheerleader today as I was back in high school.


So yes, the title Executive Assistant is not glamorous. It is, however, how I currently make the majority of my income. It is also one of the MANY extensions of the cheerleader I identify as. 


This life (I recently celebrated 45 years) has been filled with amazing adventures, and I’m excited to see what I create next. Letting go of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader dream does not come with regrets as I have manifested an existence as a real-life cheerleader for myself and everyone I connect with.


It would be great to say I was able to go into this much explanation with the 10-year-old. Perhaps we'll chat about this one another day. At the time of our conversation, she was very excited to share her dreams of becoming an inventor. Of course, I will do everything to help her get there.  


What about you? What was your childhood dream career? I would love to reminisce with you in the comments below.


All my love,


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