#9: Ways to Get Unstuck and Feel Better Now

Nov 08, 2022
Michelle Fox smiling and holding a head of broccoli and lettuce.

In this episode…

This week's show is one of my shorty episodes, and I just want to hop in your ear to see if you've noticed yourself doing a few of the following...

Have you been scrolling through social media mindlessly? Have you been drinking alcohol a little bit more than you are comfortable with? Have you been on the couch perhaps binging some series and not being able to walk away at a decent hour?

You are in good company my friend. Listen in!



Highlights of this episode:

  • Heads up:  the change of seasons can be upsetting to our nervous systems.
  • I share options to replace your mindless scroll through social media.
  • Alternatives to drinking alcohol are shared.
  • We explore the amazing power of affirmations.


✨ Click here to watch this episode on YouTube. ✨


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Links mentioned in this episode:


Connect with Michelle:

Free meal planner:

Instagram: @michellefoxlove

Facebook: @michellefoxlove



Prefer to read along?  Click here to download the transcript.


All my love,


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