#65: Challenging Ageism and Thriving in Your Next Chapter with Guadalupe Hirt

Dec 05, 2023
Guadalupe Hirt on the left, Michelle Fox on the right holding vegetables

In this episode…


I'm thrilled to share a conversation I had with the inspiring and beautiful Guadalupe Hirt!  As a pro-aging advocate and middlescence life strategist, Guadalupe is a beacon of positivity and wisdom. Our discussion centered around the concept of middlescence and the empowerment of women over 40. If you’re wondering, “What in the world is middlescence?”, then be sure to stick around for this episode! 

Guadalupe is a four-time entrepreneur and a respected influencer in awareness around age discrimination. She's the author of the LinkedIn blog titled  "Dear Middlescent"  and a new guest blog on Changing the Narrative, where she explores the beauty, truths, and opportunities of this time in our lives.  

I've had the privilege of working with Guadalupe in the past, and her support has been a leading force in my life. I can’t wait for you to get to know her as well!


Embracing Aging and Living on Your Own Terms


During our conversation Guadalupe reflects on her career journey,  describing it as a zigzag route that led her to where she is now. She encourages us to embrace aging and live life on your own terms, rather than being defined by societal expectations.

Blessed to be able to take a self-prescribed sabbatical to address burnout and reconnect with herself,  she shares with us her experiences and how you can do the same (even if it is an abbreviated version).  During the time of her sabbatical, she discovered a love for playing the piano and experienced a newfound sense of awakening and zest for life. She wants this experience for you as well. 

We discussed the importance of women prioritizing self-care and asking for help. Let go of the guilt associated with taking time for yourself and to lean on their partners, friends, or families for support.


Using Our Voices against Ageism in the Workforce and Beyond


Curiosity led me to ask about ageism in the workforce. Is this something we’re still dealing with or have we moved past it?  Guadalupe acknowledged that ageism is still prevalent and highlighted the need for organizations to bridge the gap between different generations in the workplace. 

We all have unique and valuable knowledge and experiences that can be combined to achieve amazing results. Just imagine what we could do together, across generations, instead of staying separated!

We must challenge ageist beliefs and reshape our internal dialogue. It’s important to  recognize and correct ageist thoughts so we can create new neural connections in our brains and foster personal growth at any age. I shared my own experience of having friends from different age groups as a child and the advantages of learning from people of different generations. Guadalupe emphasized the importance of recognizing the value in every individual, regardless of their age, credentials, or experience.

Guadalupe urges readers of her LinkedIn newsletter, Dear Middlescent, to use their voices to speak up against ageism in all areas of life. She suggests expanding personal and professional networks to include people of all ages, treating everyone with respect, and living life on one's own terms.




Highlights of this episode:

  • Guadalupe Hirt and Michelle Fox chat about how women in middlescence are navigating this relatively new stage of life on their own, without a roadmap, and the potential for personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Guadalupe talks about her work with SecondActWomen, promoting pro-aging and challenging societal views on aging.
  • Michelle and Guadalupe discuss the exploration of the idea that life is just getting started at 40 and beyond, encouraging individuals to define their own path and live on their own terms.
  • Guadalupe encourages us to visit her LinkedIn newsletter, Dear Middlescent to nourish your mind as you embark on this phase of life. 


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All my love,



Stay inspired!  Let's keep the conversation going!  



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