#61: Nourishing Your Spirit with Rev. Sheila Johnson

Nov 07, 2023
Re . Sheila Johnson smiling on the left, Michelle Fox standing and smiling on the right

In this episode…


Have you met my Mom?  In this heartfelt conversation, I have the amazing opportunity to sit down with the Reverend Sheila Baker Johnson aka Mamacita! 

This is a woman whose strength and faith are larger than anything I’ve experienced in my life! During our time together, she shares her journey of faith, resilience, and determination. While listening to her so passionately share her story with me, I was reminded of the unshakable foundation that has sustained her through life's hardships and transitions. I hope you find encouragement in her stories as you listen today as well.  

Mamacita’s story is a testament to the power of faith and belief in oneself. After listening today, we hope your soul is nourished, you are inspired to keep going through the challenges in your life, and that you are able to truly believe in your possibilities!


The Foundation of Faith

Rev. Sheila Johnson speaks to how her faith journey began in her childhood, with a profound connection to a higher power. Growing up in a challenging environment, she found solace in gazing at the moonlit shadows of leaves through her bedroom window. These moments of serenity amidst the chaos instilled in her a deep sense of faith. She didn't know God by name then, but she felt the presence of a divine force that gave her great joy. 

Mamacita also shares how faith has helped her through many difficult times in her life. During her teenage years, her parents struggled, which left her feeling unmoored. During her adult years, she was laid off from her job without a plan of what to do next. But she shares with us how faith gave her strength to get through it and helped her to stay positive. 

We discuss how faith is an important part of our lives. It gives us strength and comfort, and it helps both of us to stay positive. Mamacita emphasizes her gratitude for her faith, and she knows that it has helped her to live a better life.


Answering the Divine Call

One of the most significant chapters in my mother’s life was her journey to becoming an ordained minister. She says it was a calling that couldn't be ignored. She recalls a series of nudges from the divine, which eventually led her to embrace her calling. 

Despite initial skepticism, she embarked on her theological journey, earning a Master of Divinity. Her journey included serving as a chaplain at a hospital for 19 years, officiating weddings and funerals, and founding her own church. I just love how this story is a testament to the power of answering the call of faith and following one's true purpose!


Navigating Life's Challenges

We all know that no one is sheltered from experiencing some type of hardship in life. During the conversation with my mother, she provides some guidance and some light on how she was able to handle those hardships when they came around. Mamacita discusses one of the most challenging moments in both of our lives:  when my dad, her husband of 40 years, became seriously ill. Despite their divorce, Rev. Sheila Johnson ensured he received the best care, juggling various responsibilities during this time. 

Through it all, Mamacita’s unwavering faith in God allowed her to find support from unexpected sources, financial assistance, and career opportunities. Her faith was a source of strength, allowing her to navigate through adversity without fear. She encourages everyone to find their own source of strength to rely on during tough times and to keep practicing faith day by day.


Let us know if this conversation sparks an aha moment for you!  We would love to hear from you!  Leave a comment on Instagram or Facebook after listening to this week’s podcast episode.



Highlights of this episode:

  • Michelle Fox introduces us to her amazingly resilient and beautiful mother, Reverend Sheila Johnson.
  • Rev. Sheila recounts times in her life when faith was the only thing to hold on to and how she was able to persevere in those moments.
  • Michelle and Rev. Sheila share their memories and feelings during the incredibly difficult time of Michelle’s father’s death. 
  • Rev. Sheila shares with us the joy she has serving the community by providing pastoral duties such as weddings, pastoral counseling and eulogies.  


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Click here to watch this episode on YouTube. 


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All my love,



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