#60: Care For The Healer with Dr. Casara Andre

Oct 31, 2023
Dr. Casara Andre smiling on the left and Michelle Fox smiling and standing on the right

In this episode…


If you’re an animal lover like me, you will be elated to hear the conversation I have today with Dr. Casara Andre. She is not just a veterinarian extraordinaire, but a leader in her mission to create a safe haven for men and women in the medical community. She works tirelessly in various non-profit organizations to provide assistance with all healers, humans and animals alike.    

During this conversation, Dr. Casara shines a glowing light on the beauty of the human-animal bond: what it means for human health and wellbeing AND animal health and wellbeing. We will explore this amazing bond today. As a dog mom myself, I know it is a gift worth defending and nurturing!

You can find more information about the amazing work of Dr. Casara by visiting her website and by visiting her LinkedIn page Care for the Healer. Get ready for a healing today!


Defining the Healer Archetype

In today’s show the idea of being a "healer" was explored in depth. We explored the complexities of defining the healer archetype and what it means to individuals. The healer role extends far beyond the traditional medical field, it also encompasses anyone committed to bringing positive change to the world. 

However, we have to ensure that this change is sustainable even after the healer is no longer present. The importance of physical, mental, and emotional strength for healers is critical.


The Care for the Healer Organization

Dr. Casara sheds light on the organization "Care for the Healer," explaining how it was founded by a passionate team of individuals, many of whom come from the veterinary world. 

The organization's mission is to care for healers, particularly in the veterinary field, where professionals face unique emotional and psychological challenges. She also shares insights into the organization's work and its importance in supporting those who care for the health of both animals and the planet.


The Healing Connection Between Humans and Animals

The conversation centers on the deep bond between humans and animals. Dr. Andre highlights the emotional connection between humans and their pets, such as dogs, and how animals can also be healers.

The discussion also touches upon the challenges of dealing with end-of-life decisions for pets and the importance of approaching these situations with honesty and compassion.


Let us know if this conversation sparks an aha moment for you!  We would love to hear from you!  Leave a comment on Instagram or Facebook after listening to this week’s podcast episode.



Highlights of this episode:

  • Dr. Casara and Michelle explore the stresses of being a caretaker and the importance of allowing yourself grace while being taken care of. 
  • We discuss the mutual benefits of being the healer FOR animals and being healed BY animals.
  • Dr. Casara shocks us with the statistics of the high suicide rates within the  veterinary field. 
  • We learn about her incredible non-profit group, Care For the Healer: the work they are doing and how we can all help.  


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Click here to watch this episode on YouTube. 


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Links mentioned in this episode:

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Prefer to read along? Click here to download the transcript.


All my love,



Stay inspired!  Let's keep the conversation going!  




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