#21: Back to Basics

Jan 31, 2023
Back to Basics with Michelle Fox

In this episode…

We're going back to the basics!

In this episode, we're sharing a replay of a former Facebook Live. Everything I share is absolutely still applicable to my beliefs almost two years later.

I am here to remind you to come back to the basics - as in, let's get more veggies and more water in your diet. Let's just bring a lot more awareness to our nutrition. I promise you it's going to set you up for a more successful remainder of the year.

Listen in!



Highlights of this episode:

  • Why we need vitamin K in our diets
  • The power of glass jars for food storage
  • I explain what arrowroot is and how I make the most crispy gluten-free orange sesame chicken with it
  • We discuss cookware and I share what's in my kitchen


✨ Click here to watch this episode on YouTube. ✨


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Links mentioned in this episode:


Connect with Michelle:

Free meal planner:

Instagram: @michellefoxlove

Facebook: @michellefoxlove



Prefer to read along?  Click here to download the transcript.


All my love,


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